MMW: Legal Insider Trading

MMW: Legal Insider Trading

Real Estate was, is, and likely will always be a game of information asymmetry. Those with a firm finger on the pulse of their chosen market(s) will thrive while others employing a "shotgun" approach may struggle, overpaying for opportunities if they ever even find opportunities.

On this MMW, we'll discuss why Real Estate is like legal insider trading, and how you can use that to your advantage.

MMW: Surviving 2020

MMW: Surviving 2020

2020 rocked countless lives. But we shouldn't let losing the battle cost us the war. On this Mid Month Wisdom, I'm going to call myself out. I'm going to share with you my low points, failures, and outright tough times that made my question what I do. I know you have struggled at times this year too. This feels like the most appropriate send off for 2020.

MMW: Industry Consolidation

We've all heard chatter about the MHP space consolidating. But how will that look?

Most likely, three steps will occur: 1) Mom & Pops will sell, allowing for better record keeping (thus better financing) and more efficient operations 2) Rents will be raised to ACTUAL market (not what Billy Bob charges down the street) 3) Bigger players will gobble up the rest

What this means for you is opportunity. However, it also means a quickly closing window.

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Developing a MHP (with Ryan Gibson)

If pricing will continue to be high, why not just build a new MHP?

Meet Ryan Gibson, CIO of Spartan-Investors, who set out to develop a new Mobile Home Park. On this interview, Ryan will break down the steps, costs, and effort that developing a new MHP entails.

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Skill: Playing the Cap Rate Game

Why does it ever make sense to pay sub 4 cap?

It turns out, some BIG TIME players know how to play that game well.

Join us for a look at MHPs from a macro viewpoint, with Elevation Capital's Ryan Smith.


Ryan Smith:


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MMW: Are TOHs Actually Riskier than POHs?

Unpopular opinion: in place Tenant Owned Homes come with a TON of risk no one seems to want to talk about.

For this Mid Month Wisdom, we will take a deep dive into why you should think twice about all TOH communities.


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Skill: The Macro View of Portfolio Building

Join seasoned broker Kolman Bubis and I for a discussion on:

-What makes a MHP NOT trade?

-Do spread out portfolios hamper your ability to trade?

-Pros / cons for Midwest investment?

-How can one think through risky markets?

-What risks do not enough people talk about?


Kolman Bubis:

(O) 312-568-4818



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MMW: How I turned $299.00 into $299,000.00

We are about to take a $299.00 investment and turn it into $299,000.00.

Know what's crazy?

That's actually undershooting what that $299 investment will yield us in the long run.

On this Mid Month Wisdom, we're to going to take a deep dive into how conferences inject steroids into your networking game, transforming a lackluster network into a robust, and geographically specific, database of people to call on.


The biggest sales mistake

What's the biggest sales mistake?

Better yet, how can one avoid making it?

In my opinion, pitching an unsuspecting potential client BEFORE they want to hear your pitch IS the biggest sales mistake people make.

People are self interested.

People don't care about you, your product, your pitch, what you offer, or any of that... at first.

Build trust and rapport through asking questions. Get to know them. What dreams do they have? How many children? Hobbies?

Then, what problems do they face? What solutions do they believe exist? What don't they know about in the market place that could solve their issues?

Questions will steer the sales conversation and aid in objection combating.

Then, once you've built some kind of rapport and trust, ironically they'll start asking YOU questions.

That's when you hit them with the pitch.

Unwanted sales pitches leave people uncomfortable. Worse yet, they won't tell you, rather opting to just ignore you altogether, robbing you of that crucial feedback.

Ask questions. Be interested in their answers. Build trust and rapport. Qualify them to see if they even fit your client criteria. Then, when the time is right, give them your best sales pitch.


Adding Rocket Fuel to Net Worth

How do you multiply your net worth in a few short years?

The answer is simple, yet painful.

Ian Tudor and I have successfully over 10x'ed our net worth in just 5 short years.

Here's our secret:

***Don't spend your money***

Here's a breakdown of how much of my income I saved & reinvested vs I paid out to myself:

2016: 37.42%

2017: 52.56%

2018: 73.76%

2019: 50.10%

Wealth building (for those starting with limited to no funds like us) follows a two step process: 1) Save a significant portion of what you earn and 2) Reinvest in the proper vessels.

Saving over 50% of what you earn is really tough.

I've lived like a penny pinching graduate student since 2014.

But the long term gains outweigh the short term pains.

For more details on how to add rocket fuel to your net worth, check out my podcast episode linked in the comments.


MMW: The Terrors of Time Freedom

Believe it or not, most people couldn't spend each day of their lives on a beach, drinking Pina Coladas, and soaking up the sun. We humans need meaning, purpose, and a sense of importance else we face the onset of depression.

For this Mid Month Wisdom, we'll discuss the dark side of time freedom, and what you can do to prepare for the day your passive income sets you free.


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From Tenant to Owner: Interview with Corey Allen Woodruff

On the first Ian Interview Series, my business partner Ian Tudor hosts an interesting discussion with Corey Allen Woodruff, covering cold calls, negotiating seller carry, and even his journey from living in a MHP to owning several.


This version is edited. For the uncut version, please visit our Facebook page and/or YouTube page.



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MMW: Losing An Employee

What's your backup plan if you lose an employee? We recently had to enact ours. Thankfully, it worked. But what contingencies should you set up if / when that happens? What limitations and issues present themselves with each contingency plan? On this Mid Month Wisdom, we will take a deep, blunt dive into a situation we recently experienced and discuss how we overcame.


What's your backup plan if you lose an employee? We recently had to enact ours. Thankfully, it worked. But what contingencies should you set up if / when that happens? What limitations and issues present themselves with each contingency plan? On this Mid Month Wisdom, we will take a deep, blunt dive into a situation we recently experienced and discuss how we overcame.


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Skill: Collections

Your ability to collect is the number one indicator as to how successful you run your properties. MHPs die with no revenue, as would most businesses. So for this skills series, we will take a deep dive into what it'll take for you to become a strong collector.




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