Adding Rocket Fuel to Net Worth

How do you multiply your net worth in a few short years?

The answer is simple, yet painful.

Ian Tudor and I have successfully over 10x'ed our net worth in just 5 short years.

Here's our secret:

***Don't spend your money***

Here's a breakdown of how much of my income I saved & reinvested vs I paid out to myself:

2016: 37.42%

2017: 52.56%

2018: 73.76%

2019: 50.10%

Wealth building (for those starting with limited to no funds like us) follows a two step process: 1) Save a significant portion of what you earn and 2) Reinvest in the proper vessels.

Saving over 50% of what you earn is really tough.

I've lived like a penny pinching graduate student since 2014.

But the long term gains outweigh the short term pains.

For more details on how to add rocket fuel to your net worth, check out my podcast episode linked in the comments.